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Mr.Roy, let me tell you what the country gave you…

"This is the best award the country has given me" said Subrata Roy. I am surprised, Mr.Roy, that you have a grouse against India. Let me tell you what the country gave you:

"This is the best award the country has given me" said Subrata Roy. I am surprised, Mr.Roy, that you have a grouse against India. Let me tell you what the country gave you:

– This country enabled you to grow from a net worth of Rs.2,000 to Rs.15,80,00,00,00,000.

– This country's judicial system enabled you to be a contemnor for 15 months, of no less than the apex court, with no action taken.

– This country's administration allowed you to be a state guest and travel by Mercedes, after being arrested.

– This country allowed you to raise deposits from 8 crore investors, without any checks and balances.

– This country allowed you to employ 12 lac workers without any corresponding provident fund deposits.

– This country enabled you to harass an Enforcement Directorate officer investigating you.

– This country enabled you to continue your partying ways, while the senior citizens who paid up to buy one of the Sahara City Homes in 100 cities are waiting for their homes.

– This country enabled you to deride and question the supreme court judgements through your full page newspaper ads.

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– This country enabled you to deride the most honest officer, Mr.Abrahim of SEBI who built a watertight case against you.

– This country enabled you to survive, grow and prosper for 37 long years, whereas your entity should have been dead long back.

Mr. Roy, You are a beneficiary of this system, a creation of this system, a billionaire because of this system. You have exploited my countrymen and have only taken from this country. What you gave back is peanuts – a few Bollywood movies and a cricket team that would have survived without you. Please stop cribbing, because this country is what made you. In any other country, you would be still be on your lambretta scooter, mobilising deposits or cooling your heels as a state guest, long back.

sahara ka sach

[email protected]

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