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Wipro Technologies does not have enough profit and money to give hike to their all employees

A news about Wipro Technologies management fanda… Wipro Technologies does not have enough money to give hike to their own employees. Wipro Technologies is giving highly demotivative  atmosphere to their a large number of employee by giving them only  0% hike this year. This year Wipro Technologies has given corporate guide line the employees who belongs to band B1and got rating HVC in their annual appraisal rating. Those employees will get 0% hike. If the overall rating is HVC employee will get 0% hike.

A news about Wipro Technologies management fanda… Wipro Technologies does not have enough money to give hike to their own employees. Wipro Technologies is giving highly demotivative  atmosphere to their a large number of employee by giving them only  0% hike this year. This year Wipro Technologies has given corporate guide line the employees who belongs to band B1and got rating HVC in their annual appraisal rating. Those employees will get 0% hike. If the overall rating is HVC employee will get 0% hike.

Even though If employees is having 11 goals and objectives and they got 5 rating as EC and 7 HVC, Still they will consider overall ratings as HVC and for them 0% hike only. If employees will raise vice against this they will tell its corporate guideline for B1 band employees. It is highly demotivative step for employees. There is a huge number of employees who are coming under this criteria.

Band B1 (1 year to 3 year experienced employees)

HVC: Highly Valued Contribution(3 rating out of 5)

EC: Highly valued contribution (4 rating out of 5)



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