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Harsh remark on Hon’ble Judges by Subrat Roy

Respected Sir, Attached are 2 documents sent out by Mr. Subrata Roy after his arrest in the Contempt proceedings of the Hon'ble Supreme Court.  The tone and tonality of the circular can best be described as "Threatening" and one instigating to act and react. It looks like a letter written by a revolutionary going to prison and asking his comrades to react so as to bow down the government.

Respected Sir, Attached are 2 documents sent out by Mr. Subrata Roy after his arrest in the Contempt proceedings of the Hon'ble Supreme Court.  The tone and tonality of the circular can best be described as "Threatening" and one instigating to act and react. It looks like a letter written by a revolutionary going to prison and asking his comrades to react so as to bow down the government.

The letters also go on to describe the power and responsibility equilibrium and I am sure there are no prizes for guessing who are those meant for. This is the highest level of disrespect that can be veted out by a person who can be best described as a Lout , having embezzled thousands of Crores of Rupees from unsuspecting common men and women and robbing them of their life time savings.

I leave it to your best judgement to further scan and dissect the letter in the best interest of our Respected and Non Prejudiced Judicial System. 


Satya Yadav

[email protected]

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