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नेटवर्क18 समूह में फिर छंटनी की तैयारी, इस आंतरिक मेल को पढ़कर तो ऐसा ही लग रहा

Dear Team, As we know, our Network has come through a trying period of transformation across some businesses. Change is never painless and it has been no different for us. While the economy may take its time to fully rebound, I believe the worst is behind us as a Network.

Dear Team, As we know, our Network has come through a trying period of transformation across some businesses. Change is never painless and it has been no different for us. While the economy may take its time to fully rebound, I believe the worst is behind us as a Network.

Over the last decade, we have grown into one of India’s leading media companies on account of several strengths, from our stellar brands to the top talent that runs them every day. But above all, in my view, the defining grain in our DNA which caused our success so far has been the ability to challenge ourselves as a Network. We have re-invented and unlearnt at the right times. And I believe that we are in the midst of such a time again.

In the past few months, we have begun our journey towards being a Network, that is future-proof and equipped to lead in the digital age. This has required us to re-look at everything – from what we do to how we do it. While much has been reported and said about these changes in recent times, the core of this re-engineering effort has been aimed at marrying two of our biggest strengths – ‘Network’ and ‘Digital’ in a manner that we continue to lead in the long-term. These twin principles must guide us everywhere – from how we gather and produce content at our integrated newsrooms to how we deliver and monetise it on multiple devices.

I am sure there are some unanswered questions and thoughts that many of you would like to share. So, beginning soon, we will be coming over for some open chats across our offices/businesses. Please await word from HR for details on this. Till then, thanks for your patience. The journey, understandably, has been rough but I am confident about the road ahead.



नेटवर्क18 ग्रुप का उपरोक्त इंटरनल मेल भड़ास4मीडिया के पास आईबीएन7, नोएडा आफिस में कार्यरत एक वरिष्ठ पत्रकार द्वारा फारवर्ड किया गया  है. पत्रकार ने अपना नाम न प्रकाशित करने का अनुरोध किया है.

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