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ड्राई फ्रूट खिला बीयर पिला कर पाली गई खुद की गाय का मांस खाता है फ़ेसबुक संस्थापक मार्क जुकरबर्ग! देखें ये तस्वीर

ये तस्वीर ध्यान से देखिए। इसमें उस गाय का मांस फेसबुक संस्थापक मार्क जुकरबर्ग खाने बैठा है जिसे उसने ख़ुद पाला है, ड्राई फ्रूट खिला कर, बीयर पिला कर। यह खुलासा ख़ुद मार्क जुकरबर्ग ने फेसबुक पर एक पोस्ट डालकर की है। ये बंदा दुनिया का हाईयेस्ट क्वालिटी बीफ (गाय का मांस) तैयार कर रहा है। इसकी एक गाय साल भर में पाँच हज़ार से दस हज़ार पाउंड का भोजन कर जाती हैं। इन गायों के लिए मैकडेमिया के पेड़ लगाये जाते हैं। ये पेड़ एक तरह का नट (ड्राई फ्रूट) देते हैं जिसे गायें खाती हैं। मार्क जुकरबर्ग गायों के लिए सैकड़ों एकड़ में मैकेडेमिया के पेड़ और बीयर की पैदावार करता है।

इस बंदे ने एग्ज़ैक्टली क्या लिखा है एफबी पर, मूल पोस्ट पढ़िए-

Started raising cattle at Ko’olau Ranch on Kauai, and my goal is to create some of the highest quality beef in the world. The cattle are wagyu and angus, and they’ll grow up eating macadamia meal and drinking beer that we grow and produce here on the ranch. We want the whole process to be local and vertically integrated. Each cow eats 5,000-10,000 pounds of food each year, so that’s a lot of acres of macadamia trees. My daughters help plant the mac trees and take care of our different animals. We’re still early in the journey and it’s fun improving on it every season. Of all my projects, this is the most delicious.

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इस पोस्ट के बाद दुनिया भर में बवाल मचा है। शाकाहारी लोग स्तब्ध हैं और मार्क ज़ुक़रबर्ग की लानत मलानत कर रहे हैं। उपरोक्त एफबी पोस्ट के कमेंट सेक्शन में आए हज़ारों कमेंट्स में से एक भारतीय लड़की प्रेरणा चक्रबोर्ती का ये कमेंट पढ़िए-

Prerna Chakraborty- I’m so disheartened. This post shows how apathetic this world is. I think the World needs to wake up from deep slumber. This was expected from a cave man not from a guy who is the founder of the largest social media platform, an educated sane individual.

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It’s extremely distressing how desensitised the world is towards animals that feel pain, despair, helplessness exactly like us.

And you are educated enough or you think you are, google how animal agriculture is destroying our environment.

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The world needs to wake up.

Update- Also those who are giving me laugh emojis, please give me more. Because my comment would be on top for a longer time and more and more people would get at least a few seconds to read and ponder about it.
So thank you.

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I would like to add that eating meat increases ones risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. A plant based diet decreases these risks and new research shows may decrease the risk of dementia.

I have problem with all animals or animal secretion because we are not a caveman. We use, abuse animals for our GREED not NEED especially in today’s world when there are so many varieties of grains, millets, legumes, beans, fruits, vegetables nuts and seeds for all our nutritional requirements and tastes. Mock meats are also available as it’s plant based milk options

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We as a species are desensitised to an extent if some day, cannibalism becomes a trend we would follow it without battering our eyelids. This shows the level of programming in our species. So as a species we all need to share perspectives, talk that is wrong and give right valid datas without being emotional about the situation.

I don’t pity the animals on his plate, I pity the lack of humaneness in @Mark Zuckerberg And his conscience is opaque now because he is desensitised, it’s not his mistake, he is just another programmed output of our apathetic society.

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Ashley Jayne- Man, is this really what it’s like to be disgustingly rich? You just get this bored? Imagine if you put that amount of time, effort, and money into feeding all of the starving people in your beautiful country instead. Imagine the lessons your daughters could learn if you taught them to feed and care for their fellow man with the wealth you hoard. The world does not need more Wagyu beef, I can assure you.

Seema Sharma- Mr Zuckerberg, it is terrible that you are teaching your kids to care for animals and then having them killed …what will this teach your kids? Stop your selfish ‘project’ Animals are sentient beings ..they should not be killed for your taste buds ! Animals are friends not food !! A Compassionate world starts with each one of us. Stop this cruelty..

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अपनी पसंद के कई कमेंट्स का मार्क जुकरबर्ग ने जवाब भी दिया है, देखें कुछ स्क्रीनशॉट-

वरिष्ठ पत्रकार प्रशांत टंडन की टिप्पणी-

मेटा के प्लेटफोर्मस् फेसबुक और वाट्सऐप ने भारत में जितनी नफ़रत फैलाई है उतनी किसी और ने नहीं. बीफ के नाम पर इसके सोशल मीडिया द्वारा फैलाई गई अफवाहों ने जाने कितने ही बेकसूर लोगों की जाने ली हैं. भारत मे बीजेपी और संघी एजेंडे का ये एजेंट अब बीफ का प्रचार और धंधा कर रहा है.

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