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Ajay Nath Jha, a man of his words, a walking talking encyclopedia….

Below treasure belongs to Late Shri Ajay Nath Jha, a man of his words, a walking talking encyclopedia , a person who spoke 6-7 languages fluently , a man who cannot be described in a few words or in five minutes but it will take a few weeks or months for us to collect everything about him to describe what he was as a person , truly one in a million golden heart for whom the passion was to take pain of others over himself. Before I again have teary eyes , I want you to go through his personal views in form of SHAIYARI

<p>Below treasure belongs to Late Shri Ajay Nath Jha, a man of his words, a walking talking encyclopedia , a person who spoke 6-7 languages fluently , a man who cannot be described in a few words or in five minutes but it will take a few weeks or months for us to collect everything about him to describe what he was as a person , truly one in a million golden heart for whom the passion was to take pain of others over himself. Before I again have teary eyes , I want you to go through his personal views in form of SHAIYARI</p>

Below treasure belongs to Late Shri Ajay Nath Jha, a man of his words, a walking talking encyclopedia , a person who spoke 6-7 languages fluently , a man who cannot be described in a few words or in five minutes but it will take a few weeks or months for us to collect everything about him to describe what he was as a person , truly one in a million golden heart for whom the passion was to take pain of others over himself. Before I again have teary eyes , I want you to go through his personal views in form of SHAIYARI

Ajay N Jha Facebook Wall

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सच बोलता हूँ तो कई रिश्ते टूट जाते हैं
झूट बोलता हूँ तो खुद-से टूट जाता हूँ
सिक्कों में बिकता है यहां इन्सां का ज़मीर
कौन कहता है मेरे मुल्क़ में मंहगाई बहुत है?
हमारे अस्पतालों का कड़वा सच
डाक्टर नर्स पर मरता है और मरीज फर्श पर मरता है
दुनिया की हर चीज़ ठोकर लगने से टूट जाया करती है
एक कामयाबी ही है जो अक्सर ठोकर खा कर ही मिलती है.
Every Artist gives his own name to his work.But there is no artist like a “MOTHER”,who gives birth to a child but gives Father’s Name!
हर रात जान-बूझ कर रखता हूँ दर खुला
कोई तो हो लूटेरा जो मेरे गम भी लूट ले…….
चढ़ती थी उस मज़ार पर तो चादरें बेशुमार
बाहर बैठा फ़कीर मगर सर्दी से मर गया
” Never tell your problem to anyone except those who genuinely love and care for you because 20 percent people don’t care and other 80 percent are glad that you have a problem. !!!
इतना बड़ा ये मुल्क, सदमा झेलने का आदी है/
कहीं चांदी के चमचे हैं, कहीं चमचों की चांदी है
Sometimes, we fail to understand the feelings of very close people in our lives because a book held very near to our eyes is too difficult to read. !
उन घरों में जहाँ मिट्टी के घड़े रहते हैं
क़द में छोटे हों, पर लोग बड़े रहते हैं
मुश्किल है मोहब्बत की कहानी लिखना
जैसे पानी से पानी पर पानी लिखना

….STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART OF LATE SHRI AJAY NATH JHA….  These are some of his personal views on Facebook..

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You loved me so much , made me your younger brother from 2002 , Forgive me for my mistakes if ever i committed one and Rest in Peace. With tears in my eyes and your smiling face on my mind , i pay my tribute to you.

Charan sparsh to you dada.

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(now he will never reply back to me saying KALYANAM ASTU)

Amit Kakkar

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