Press Club of India management commits forgeries… The Press Club of India management last year carried out certain amendments in the Articles of Association on two occasions—on March 31 and on July 09. Two important amendments which concern the election were carried out under a new Section called 9A. This new section says “Irrespective of the date of receipt of application for the membership of the club, and decision of the management committee to grant such membership it shall be effective only from beginning of a new financial year.’’
The other amendment carried out is under Section 22 which says that “In the case of managing committee, members shall be eligible for a second consecutive term. The members would not be allowed to contest the managing committee after two consecutive terms. However, member shall be eligible to contest after three-year break.’’
According to the Companies Act, the amendments have to be submitted to the Registrar of Companies for approval before implementing them. But the managing implemented these amendments in a fraudulent manner, without taking the approval of the Registrar of Companies and committing forgeries in Sections 9A and 22.
It was done at the instance of then Secretary-General Vinay Kumar, president Gautam Lahiri and in conspiracy with Office Secretary Jitendra Singh and the Club’s advocate Imran Ali.
The new insertion, which amount to forgery, under section 9A says: “Membership forms for the ordinary category will be made available from 1st January to the last date of February every year. Screening committee will finalise processing of applications in the wonth (month) of March and with the approval of the managing committee, the list of the accepted applications will be published on 1 April every year.’’
Another forgery was committed under Section 22 which says: “In case of managing committee, members shall be eligible to contest for a second consecutive term. The member would not be allowed to contest the managing committee after two consecutive terms. However, member shall be eligible to contest after one year break.’’
Fifteen days ago, I requested the managing committee through e-mail to make available to me a copy of the amended Articles of Association. Personally, I also requested Office Secretary Jitendra Singh to give a copy of the club’s constitution in front of senior members, Pradeep Saurabh and Rajiv Ranjan Nag, but he refused to provide. Then I sent a reminder to the club through email. Yet, it was not made available.
But I have got a copy of it as the managing committee filed it in the court along with the damages suit they have filed against me seeking Rs. 6 lakh. They have committed this fraud to stick to power by hook and crook as they know it that once they lose power, skeletons would come tumbling out of their cupboard.
लेखक निर्निमेश कुमार वरिष्ठ पत्रकार हैं और द हिंदू अखबार में कार्यरत हैं. निर्निमेश कुमार प्रेस क्लब आफ इंडिया में फैले घपले, घोटालों, अराजकता के खिलाफ लगातार संघर्ष करते रहते हैं. उनसे संपर्क [email protected] के जरिए किया जा सकता है.
इन्हें भी पढ़ सकते हैं….